Friday, February 12, 2021

Be Present

 "'Am I only a God nearby,' declares the Lord, 'and not a God far away? Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?' declares the Lord. 'Do I not fill heaven and earth?' declares the Lord?" Jeremiah 23: 23, 24

    A conscientious concierge at a luxury hotel noticed the poolside lounge chairs were occupied by guests scrolling through their phones while the pool lay unused. Determining to alter the course, a marketing ploy was born: the resort offered incentives if only people would agree to lock their smartphones in a box behind the desk and enjoy some digital detox, thereby connecting with their loved ones while they enjoyed their luxurious surroundings. With all the distractions technology offers, it's important to "be present."

    Various verses in the Bible attest to the omnipresence of God, meaning He is everywhere at once. More than anyone, the God of the universe has the right to claim distraction or detainment when we call upon Him, given how much responsibility He has. Yet Proverbs 15:3 says, "The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good." What do you think? Can God only be found in decent places where starched white cloths and stained glass windows abound? Can He be found in a striptease bar or a seedy meth lab? Is He a witness to the darkest evils mankind has to hide?

    There were times when Corrie Ten Boom felt cut off from the Lord when she and her sister, Betsie, were but nameless numbers in the bowels of the Holocaust at Ravensbruck Concentration Camp. One time, Corrie was afflicted with a bad cold and, of course, there were no boxes of tissues on nightstands in this evil place. Betsie's suggestion that they present their request for a handkerchief to God seemed preposterous to Corrie, but faithful Betsie prayed nonetheless. Shortly thereafter, a friend of theirs came to the window of the barracks and offered Corrie a wee package saying, "Here, take this! I'm bringing you a little present." Unwrapping it, there, much to Corrie's humble, grateful surprise, lay a handkerchief. The friend had no foreknowledge of Corrie's need; she just followed the urging of God's Spirit.

    To those with any conscience at all, the idea of our holy and powerful God peering into a dank, death camp should fill us with the shameful shivers. Even more contrite should we be to see Him answer a prayer for a handkerchief. As dichotomous as this seems, as we wonder why God allowed these horrid things to continue, the fact that He was "present" enough to espy a runny nose tells us that He has seen these wicked things and He will come to judge the quick and the dead. 

    Have you ever joined others when they've wagged their heads and asked, "Where was God when this happened?" He was right beside you, if only you would turn and see. He had a handkerchief for you.


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