Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My Dinner Guest

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."
Revelation 3:20

     Exclamation points are reserved to show either surprise or strong emotion to the reader. Jesus uses one here so imagine his voice rising a pitch, his body language expressing urgency to capture the attention of those searching for him. "Where are you, Lord?" I may ask in desperation. But, all the while, he's looking for me! He's already at my door, knocking to get my attention; all I have to do is open it and I shall dine with the King of Kings!

     I could never dream of eating a dry crumpet with Queen Elizabeth, but the creator of the universe will share a meal with me, just as he did with the tax collectors and sinners during his time on earth.  To dine with someone requires intimacy, friendship. Sure, I suppose I could wolf down a cheeseburger with someone and barely say a word, but Christ said in the above verse that we shall eat together. I take that as a promise of conversation, laughter, lingering in each other's presence while exploring personalities.

     If I have an honored guest over, I swiff the floors, dust the furniture and select tasty dishes. If my guest becomes an intimate friend, however, I know I can share anything with that person and still be loved unconditionally, despite substandard food or a chaotic presentation.

     This is the place I am arriving at with my friend, Jesus. He wants to see me on all levels, not just when I am at my gleaming best. I have become his child; he is my Father who asks over a Tuna Helper, "How was your day today?"

     Open the door and welcome Jesus. You will never be sorry!

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