Saturday, June 14, 2014

Judge for Yourselves

"But Peter and John replied, 'Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God.'"
Acts 4:19

     The powers-that-be in the society of the early church were not friendly to those who spoke the name of Jesus. After all, they had crucified this troublesome Jesus and buried him in a sealed, guarded tomb (or so they thought). Didn't that put to death all this talk about a Messiah? Why did these disciples have to keep bringing it up? When told not to speak in the name of Christ anymore, Peter and John replied, "We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." (vs. 20)

     In our society, it is lawful in some states for same-sex couples to marry. Some Christians are being charged with wrongdoing for refusing to photograph a gay wedding or bake a cake for the occasion as they remain true to God.

     When push comes to shove, each believer must judge for himself to obey their government or to obey God. The Bible tells us that what is seen is temporary, what is unseen is eternal. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but the word of the Lord shall never pass away. In this world, we will have trouble, but take heart! Jesus has overcome the world.

     Judge for yourselves.  Do the right thing.

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