Sunday, April 6, 2014

God is my Dispatcher

     After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to the disciples, showing them his hands and side - infallible proof that he was the risen Lord. Then, he invoked peace and gave them a mission:

     "'As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.' Then he breathed on them saying, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.'"  (John 20:19-23)

     As a Christian, what has transpired here is meant for me as well. I have a mission to perform and my dispatcher is God.

     When a person is in distress, they dial 911. A dispatcher answers phone. It is that person's job to connect the distressed party with a saving force.

     This is how prayer works. The calls come in; the Dispatcher must have capable, properly equipped forces to send in response.

     Lord, may I always be ready and dressed in the full armor of God so I may go where and when you send me. For, this is not a game; this is a serious battle against all evil. If I am at home, sick with sin when that call comes in, what good am I? Remind me throughout the day of my important mission, my share in this saving force against evil. The Holy Spirit was breathed upon me so that I may emphatically say, "Send me! I wanna go!"

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