Sunday, November 3, 2013

What Defines You?

"Watch out! Be on our guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."
Luke 12:15

     I've seen a bumper sticker that said, "He who dies with the most toys wins." What do they win, I wonder, because it's also true "there are no u-hauls behind a hearse!" Naked we come into this world and naked we leave it behind so what do designer clothes and expensive handbags do for me?

     I like to watch "American Pickers." So many times, an older person will throw open his garage door and I gasp at the conglomeration of his stuff! He doesn't even know what he has and yet is reluctant to sell it because he has an emotional attachment to it.  How sad, that this person so long in the tooth holds on to rusty, dusty possessions like a life raft in a roiling sea.

     During my lifetime, I have been down to a box of rice, bankruptcy and living in the back rooms of a store, but I've also been blessed with prosperity and plenty. Inside, I am still the same person because I look to Jesus for the fulfillment of life. He never changes. His value never wavers with the stock market. His salvation is a free gift, yet you can't put a price on it. This is what defines who I am. I am Christ living in me.

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