Sunday, March 15, 2015

Humpty Dumpty

"It is the Lord who goes before you; he will march with you; he will not fail you or forsake you; fear not, neither become broken."
Deuteronomy 31:8

     Ever feel broken? Like Humpty Dumpty, you feel like everyone in the vicinity is trying to reassemble you, but no one can piece you back together?

     When a man and a woman vow to become one at the altar of the Lord, I'd like to think they have the best of intentions. Why get married if failure is on the menu? Yet, this fabric is often woven in sadness, silence and solitude as the two wonder if they are really one.

     Casting Crowns recorded a song entitled, "Broken Together." Here is a stanza from the lyrics:

"How I wish we could go back to simpler times,
Before all our scars and all our secrets were in the light.
Now, on this hallowed ground,
We've drawn the battle lines.
Will we make it through the night?"
     We have a Valiant One who carries the Sword of the Spirit and girds himself with the Belt of Truth. Envision the Lord, going before you, strident in a confident march, never failing, never forsaking, empowering us by chiding, "Fear Not!"
     When you feel as though you can't make it through the night, realize that it's human to be broken and that only God can piece you back together again.
     I close with the chorus of "Broken Together:"
"Maybe you and I were never meant to be complete.
Could we just be broken together?
If you can bring your shattered dreams and I'll bring mine,
Could healing be spoken and save us?
The only way we'll last forever is broken together."

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