Sunday, January 12, 2014

Are You Being Bombarded?

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height or depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8: 38, 39

Can you imagine a world without advertising? The clock radio goes off, dragging you from peaceful slumber, peppering you with cacophonous ads to buy a car. You stumble down to get the daily paper only to find an annoying sticker over the headline and an inch of ads therein. On your way to work, signs and billboards vie for your attention. After work, you flip on cable television, hoping to relax, yet you are bombarded by cries from mattress companies, makers of orange juice, the Progressive lady with the eyeliner again, and a slew of personal products mentioned that would make grandma roll in her grave. Arenas and ballparks bear the name of the highest supporter. Auto racing winners make sure they don the cap of the best sponsor. Embarrassing ads pop up on your computer before you have a chance to act.  Seems like there is no escape from the onslaught.

This, for me, is a parallel to the temptations of Satan. All day long, he prowls about like a roaring lion, vying for attention, trying to pull me from my Christian walk. Portraying his products in an attractive light, he relentlessly badgers and hounds me.

Whenever I become weary of this bombardment, I focus on the above verses. I am safe and secure in the love of Christ Jesus where nothing in all this world or the nether world can separate me from him. He is mine; I am his.

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