Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Whose Seed Will Grow?

 "I know that you can do all things, no purpose of yours can be thwarted. " Job 42:2

"For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?" Isaiah 14:27

"But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations." Psalm 33:11

"Thwart" is an uncommon word these days, but it's fun to pronounce. I challenge you to use it in a sentence today!

It's made very clear that no one - no governing authorities, no anti-Christ, no demonic principality - can prevent what God has purposed. After the Fall, back in Genesis 3:15, God promised that the Messiah would crush the head of the serpent. From there, follow the Seed of the Christ until it germinated in the body of Mary via the Holy Spirit. Many times, that serpent, Satan, tried to thwart God's plans but was powerless to do so. Follow the lineage from Adam to Seth, Noah to Shem, Abraham to Isaac, Jacob to Judah and on to King David from whose branch the King of Kings came. Despite the great flood, murders and mayhem, exiles and the four hundred silent years, the Baby Jesus was hidden from the Slaughter of the Innocents during the reign of King Herod.

From the first advent of Jesus to the second, God's ways, which are higher than our ways, have been made known and will come to pass, just as He said they would. As we approach a new year, I encourage you to study the promises and prophecies God has made. Test Him in this and you will see the Truth. Do not listen to false ideologies, follow fake gods or their prophets. Let the Messiah Seed germinate in your heart, not the seed of the enemy who seeks to deceive, kill and destroy. Step out with what little faith you have and your faith will grow like a mustard seed. 

"I am God and there is no other; I am God and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come...What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that will I do." Isaiah 46: 9-11

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