Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Is This All There Is?

 "If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied." 1 Corinthians 15:19

Years ago, I heard a haunting melody sung by Peggy Lee entitled, "Is That All There Is?" In the song, the writer recalls the experiences that were designed to be pinnacle but to her, they were lackluster. She, in the chorus, ponders:

"Is that all there is? 

If that's all there is, then let's keep dancing.

Let's break out the booze and have a ball,

If that's all there is."

Indeed! If all I have is this daily grind with periodic highs and lows, what's the point? If, when I breathe my last, my body forlornly goes to the ground like an animal, then why not eat, drink and be merry? 

When Jesus was crucified and laid in a tomb, it seemed the disciples had given up everything and followed Him in vain. Pitifully, they locked themselves in the upper room living in fear and despair. But, "death was swallowed up in victory" (Isaiah 25:8) when Christ walked out of that tomb and showed Himself to hundreds of witnesses.

That's the victory I walk in and this is the song I hear these days:

"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.

Because He lives, all fear is gone!

Because I know, I know He holds the future,

And life is worth the living just because He lives." (Gloria and William Gaither)

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