Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Love Lavished on Us

"...he ran to his son..."
Luke 15:20

     When I picture God, I never picture him running. Seems like, in my imagination, he sits on his throne or he may stand with outspread arms and flowing garments. But running? What would cause him to run?

     In the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus tells about a young man who was sick of working on the farm so he told his father he wanted his share of the inheritance - couldn't even wait for his father to die to receive it - he wanted it now. Then, he squandered it all in wild living. Seemed like a great idea at the time.

     This is likely how addictions get started. Alcohol commercials make it seem like only the sleek and sophisticated imbibe with the beautiful partygoers. A small voice deep inside prods you to partake in sinful living until you are so embroiled in it that it's killing you slowly. The sleek scenes that pulled you in have become ugly tableaus of dirty neediness yet you don't have the power to end it all unless you take your own life...

     The son in the parable had hit rock bottom, deciding he'd return to the farm and ask to be a hired hand.

     Picture his father, scanning the horizon as he has done each day since the son left. He spots him! Before the errant young man with the bowed head has a chance to open his mouth to explain, the father runs to him and engulfs him in a hearty embrace. "Get some clean clothes! Put a ring on his finger! Let's party! This son of mine who was lost, has come home!"

     It doesn't matter how you've squandered your riches, how you've treated your inheritance. You are God's child and he loves you unconditionally! Repent and come home. He has left a light on for you.

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!"
1 John 3:1

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