Saturday, May 18, 2024

When Time Stood Still

 "Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge." Psalm 16:1

    On this sunny Saturday, I had just finished devouring the sixteenth Psalm over breakfast when our daughter called. 

    "I've an emergency! I need prayer right away!" she implored.

    At that moment, time stood still as my heart thudded in my ears and tears sprang to my eyes. Though we stay as closely connected as possible given there are 1400 miles between us, the distance at that moment was incredibly palpable. A helpless dread threatened at the door.

    But I serve a risen Savior, One who is active in my day-to-day, so when fear engulfed me, faith took command of the situation. All the basic training I'd ever received at bible study boot camps sprang to life as I hit my knees, rapidly claiming the promises of God as if I were drawing up a battle plan. Memorized verses came from my holster. I initiated waves of communication to the family of God to pray without ceasing. And when the words would not come, the Holy Spirit interceded for me (Romans 8:26). 

    Had I lived in her town, of course I would have gone straight to her, but Jesus, to Whom has been given all authority under heaven, has the power to enter hearts and hospital rooms that would have been closed to me. He was in the ambulance. He directed the physicians. He posted his angels on guard. All hail the power of Jesus' Name!

"I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8

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