Friday, July 5, 2024

My Mother, My Friend

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13

    My mom wasn't one to idly loaf around. Even when watching television, if she saw a cobweb lurking in a corner, she'd jump up to swat it down. 

    One of her favorite pastimes was crocheting afghans because she could be productive while watching Judge Judy. She'd usually select two colors that complimented each other well before setting to task using her favorite chevron pattern. Her fingers would fly, the hook a blur; she made it look effortless. The joy of creating something was evidently edifying to her as she showed me her latest work when I'd come by.

    My mom went home to Jesus almost nine years ago; I miss her sorely. When I was reading one of my favorite psalms this morning (Psalm 139), it dawned on me that before my mother was, God is. It was He who chose a bit of my father and a tad of my mom and married the two together to create me, an original work. With nimble fingers of grace and wisdom, he "knit me together in my mother's womb."

    He whose angels escorted my mom home, will come for me as well, taking me to be with Him (and her) for all eternity. Oh, what a friend I have in Jesus! Of all the wonderful things my mom did for me, the one that means the most is introducing me to Him, her best friend and Savior and mine as well.

    For Mother's Day some years ago, I wrote this poem for her:

My Mother, My Friend

From pinning my diapers

And tying my shoes,

To playing board games

When I had the blues, you were

My Mother, my friend.

From mending my clothes

And forcing me to school,

To taking me to church

To learn the Golden Rule, you were

My Mother, my friend.

From enduring my cats

And fixing dinner,

To soaping my mouth

When I was a sinner, you were

My Mother, my friend.

From teaching me manners

And all social graces,

You encouraged me to make

Friends in all places, you were

My Mother, my friend.

From teen to woman

And all stuff in between,

You always stood by me

And you'll forever be...

My Mother, my friend.

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