My father accepted Christ as his personal savior after World War Two and I am so glad he did. Now, as dementia slowly assails him, I know that Jesus has sealed his soul until the day of redemption. Salvation is not an issue of intelligence, nor does it ebb and flow like the tides of the heart. Rather, it is a matter of the soul. This can never be lost!
Recently, after a particularly sorrowful time with my father, I came home and opened my Bible, searching for verses of assurance and hope. When reading Psalm 139 (the Living Bible translation), I inserted my father's name within the text, bringing such peace. Perhaps this will help anyone who is experiencing a similar loss.
"O Lord, you have examined his heart and know everything about him. You know when he sits or stands. When far away, you know his every thought. You chart the path ahead of him, and tell him when to stop and rest. Every moment, you know where he is. You know what he is going to say even before he says it. You both precede and follow him and place your hand of blessing on his head.
This is too glorious, too wonderful to believe! My dad can never be lost to your Spirit! He can never get away from his God! If he goes up to heaven, God is there...If he rides the morning winds to the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide him, your strength will support him. If he tries to hide in the darkness, the night becomes light around him. For even darkness cannot hide from God; to you, the night shines as bright as the day. Darkness and light are both alike to God...
How precious it is, Lord, to realize that you are thinking about Russell constantly! He can't even count how many times a day your thoughts turn toward him. And when he wakens in the morning, you are still thinking of him."
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