"Alexander the coppersmith has done me much harm. The Lord will punish him, but be careful of him, for he fought against everything we said."
2 Timothy 4:14
Not everyone mentioned in the Bible is honorable. If I apply my own name and occupation in the above verse, it really sheds a new light on the importance of my beliefs and actions. What legacy am I leaving in my wake?
At church, I learned about Daniel of the Old Testament. Dealt a difficult hand at a young age, he was forced to erase his heritage, nationality, language and even his very name when exiled from his home, yet God saw his strong faith and used him as a light during a dark time.
Father, I'd rather be like Daniel than Alexander. Strengthen me to fight FOR you, never against you. If I can at least influence one person for Christ, then my life has not been in vain. Forgive my inadaquacies as I surrender to your will.
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