"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name in heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12
It was a clear, sunny day Saturday, so when I glanced out my kitchen window, I wondered why I saw fog. However, I quickly realized it was smoke. Our neighbor's house was on fire!
As David dashed outdoors, I called 911. "Do come quickly!" I implored to the dispatcher. "I believe the man is inside!" Other neighbors joined my husband in an effort to gain access, but the smoke was too thick, the flames too intense. Moments seemed eternal as we waited for the firefighters' arrival, and we cried in helpless grief. We were powerless to save him; he perished that day.
Sadly, I gaze now across the blanket of snow at the stark, skeletal frame of our neighbor's house. Bouquets of flowers join some balloons and a teddy bear in his yard - expressions of the neighborhood's mourning - but I am dismayed to say I never met the man whom I occasionally saw over the fence. And now he is gone. The opportunity to share my faith went up with the black smoke.
Like our little crowd of concerned citizens that fateful day, we, without Christ, are powerless to save from hellfire and damnation, either ourselves or others. But, thank God, the story doesn't end on this morbid note.
The Bible says it best: "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5: 6-8)
Salvation is found in nobody else, and the reason for this is simple: Christ died but there is no body. The grave is empty, only the graveclothes were there. He is risen from the dead! (Luke 24: 1-6) Jesus won the victory over the power of the grave and, when we place our trust in Him, nobody can snatch us from His hand. (John 10:28) Only Jesus Christ has the credentials, as God's perfect Son, to have sacrificed Himself in our place. Nobody else.
I do not know if my neighbor had accepted this free gift of salvation; hopefully, he had. I wish I had spoken to him about it because what if nobody had? My urgency to share my faith should have matched the emergency nature of the call I had made.
Dear God, forgive me. Help me to be somebody who cares.