"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139: 13, 14
Usually, it's not until something goes awry that we then take note of how wonderfully we are made.
Recent prayer requests on behalf of the ill have brought to my heart just how thankful I need to be for all the pieces and parts of mine which God has so wisely given to me, things I take for granted. So, I put forth effort to uncover some of these details.
Take the uvula, for example (is that Latin for "punching bag?") It's been hanging around in the back of my throat for 60+ years now, but what's its purpose? I've discovered it blocks the passage into my nasal cavity so when I swallow, food and fluids don't come forth from that orifice, thereby causing a social faux pas. Thank you, Lord!
Now that I've swallowed in a dignified manner, it's up to my epiglottis to guard the gateway to my trachea. This leaf-shaped flap, if working properly, prevents another social blunder from occurring at the dinner table. I'm so glad I have one of those.
I had no idea I even owned a pylorus, but God gave me this watch valve that attaches to my stomach and regulates food being sent to southern regions. Along the incredible journey, my consumption is aided by peristalsis. This defines the involuntary muscular movements that move my food on down where it belongs.
I hope you'll join me in thanking our Creator for His attention to details. Though conversations that revolve around our digestive process are not considered proper etiquette, maybe we could silently express our gratitude as we partake in tantalizing treats this Thursday, praising God for just how wonderfully we have been Hand-crafted.
Just don't let your humorous relative make you laugh so hard that milk comes out of your nose. That would reflect poorly on your uvula.