"But now, this is what the Lord says - He who created you, Jacob, He who formed you, Israel: 'Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine." Isaiah 43:1
Yesterday, I joined the throngs at the grocery store and, what began as a mundane task, soon became a celebration, the likes of which only God can do.
At first glance, the cashier who rang my order appeared weary. I can relate to that since I work on my feet; my legs were still aching from the previous day. I inquired about her welfare and she, with a sigh, acknowledged the increased shoppers due to Easter.
"How will you be spending the holiday?" I asked.
"I'll be going to church," she replied, "then cooking for my family."
Aha! The door had opened just a bit, enough for me to venture, "He is risen! We've much to celebrate, don't we?"
The fatigue fled from her face as she shared with me her testimony. "Have you heard of the show, 'The Chosen'?"
"You bet," came my enthusiastic response. "I love that show because it has helped the Bible to come alive for so many."
She showed me her coffee mug which bore the name of the series and I showed her my tee shirt that proclaims, "Jesus is King!" The celebration had begun as I bagged the items she was scanning.
"Do you recall the first episode, the one where Jesus quotes that verse to Mary Magdalene saying, 'I have called you by name, you are mine'?" asked the cashier. "That's the scene that changed my life!"
As her words worked in my heart, it dawned on me what she was saying, but to clarify, I asked, "Do you mean, you became a Christian that moment as you watched the show?"
Yes! With joy, she is celebrating Resurrection Sunday as a redeemed daughter of the King this year! Jesus summoned her by name; she is now His.
As I drove away from the store, my heart was soaring with gratitude for the Living Savior who loves us and knows us personally.
I implore you to read John 20:1-18 and put yourself in the sandals of Mary Magdalene. In her deep sorrow, she came looking for a dead body, but even that was taken away along with her hope. (Aren't we glad she didn't find what she was looking for?) Inconsolable, she asked whom she believed to be the gardener, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him."
"Jesus said to her, 'Mary.'" That's all He had to say for the Light of the world to break through her clouds.
Insert your own name there. If you are wandering amid brokenness, looking for some semblance of hope, turn your eyes upon Jesus, the Author of your life. He knows you by name.
Won't you join the cashier and me in the celebration?