"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: 'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!'" Romans 10: 14-15
Yesterday, a Christian friend and I walked to the lake, talking about things of the faith as we went. It reminded me of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (see Luke 24: 13-35).
Our paths crossed that of a woman walking two dogs who, we discovered, was from out of town. We bid her to join us and we would show her the way to the lake.
As we talked, she revealed several of her life's difficulties, some rather severe. Inwardly, I prayed for an opportunity to share the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ with her. Later on, my friend told me she had been doing the same. Yet, that chance did not come to us.
As the day drew to a close, I wondered: What if God had sent the woman our way as a test? Or what if we had been entertaining an angel unawares (Hebrews 13:2)? Could the woman read the "letter from Christ," written upon my heart, as she walked beside me? Or had she gone her way, unfed by the Bread of Life?
I feel I have failed the test, if indeed it was a test. Or, worse yet, I have failed her.
WANTED - A MESSENGER, author unknown
The Lord Christ wanted a tongue one day, To speak a message of cheer
To a heart that was weary and worn and sad, Weighed down by a mighty fear.
He asked for mine, but, 'twas busy quite, With my own affairs from morn till night.
The Lord Christ wanted a hand one day, To do a loving deed;
He wanted two feet on an errand for Him, To run with gladsome speed,
But I had need of my own that day; To His gentle beseeching I answered, "Nay."
So all that day I used my tongue, My hands, and my feet as I chose;
I said some hasty, bitter words that hurt one heart, God knows.
I busied my hands with worthless play, And my willful feet went a crooked way.
While the Lord grieved, with His work undone, For the lack of a willing heart!
Only through men does He speak to men, Dumb must He be apart.
I do not know, but I wish today, I had let the Lord Christ have His way.