"Greet Mary, who worked very hard for you...Greet Apelles, whose fidelity to Christ stood the test." Romans 16: 6, 10
Have you ever recognized a stranger to be a Christian without even meeting them? The evidence of peace, hope and love are plainly seen by what they do. For example, while walking in my neighborhood, I frequently passed a home that exuded these fruits. First, I saw a Blessing Box in their front yard where folks can take a can of food, or leave some for a person in need. In the warmth of a summer evening, they had a sign out front inviting anyone to come watch a Christian film in their back yard. Then came a nativity scene at Christmastime. As I walked by, I thanked God for these kind people who, though I had not met them, were relatives of mine. We're part of the Family of God.
In the final chapter of Romans, Paul expresses gratitude for a list of believers who had faithfully worked as members of the body of Christ. Men and women alike were addressed by name and personally thanked by the apostle. Can you imagine the honor of being on that list? I bet Mary and Apelles never knew their names were going down in history!
I recall the saints who labored on my behalf: Pastor Bickel, who baptized me, also drilled me in the workings of the Bible during Catechism classes. Karen Cardina, as a Sunday School leader, patiently dealt with flannelgraph figures who kept falling to the floor, eliciting giggles. My mother tucked me in at night, often asking me, "Is Jesus living in your heart?" Evening devotions were usually led by my father after dinner. Hard workers at the church- like Dave Burt, the custodian or Martha Everson, the organist - may have thought their contribution was insignificant but each person has a role to fill. Some excel at telephoning the shut-ins, others are gifted in sending cards or rewiring electrical outlets. In this way, we are all ministers who answer to The Boss, Jesus Christ, to whom we will someday give an account for everything done in the body.
Ask yourself: To whom may I minister? Whatever you do, do it with all you have. It's an honor and a privilege to be in The Family.
"From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." Ephesians 4:16