"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day, they pour forth speech; night after night, they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard."
Psalm 19: 1-3
Look up! What do you see? Listen. What do you hear? Seems like some folks walk around in oblivion to the glory that surrounds them. Did they miss the majesty made by the soaring hawk? Did they witness the tenderness of the ruffled sparrow? Do they marvel at the precision of the galaxy, the prompt rising of the sun, the brilliant hues that herald its arrival? Did the chattering of the cross squirrel reach their ears?
No matter what language you speak or what corner of the world you possess, you can look up and take in the glory of the Lord. Listen! God has something great to say!
If a worldwide catastrophe wiped out the entire population save one, would the Bible be any less relevant? I decided to discover for myself how God's word applies directly, personally to me.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Love The Giver More Than the Gift
"You may say to yourself, 'My power and the strength of my hands produced this wealth for me.' But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth."
Deuteronomy 8: 17 and 18
It comforts me to look around my home and see gifts others have given me. There is a green glass vase from my sister on the table. I smell the pumpkin spice candle from my daughter. The silver teapot from my mom gleams from the china cabinet. The items themselves, though lovely, are just things. What they represent is the love of the givers. When I give gifts, I hope the recipient knows how much I care for them, regardless of the cost of the gift.
Last night, God bestowed me with a gorgeous, changeable sky. Over to the north were cumulus clouds boasting shades of grey, orange and purple. To the south, the sun's striations of color cut through banks of rain. Rumbles of thunder caused me to look west at more beauty. I could just imagine God's expectant face as I unwrapped this gift: "Well, do you like it, Rachel?"
Every day, God's generosity is evident to all, no matter what language they speak or what belief they have. He sends rain to the just and the unjust. Remember, when you unwrap the latest treasure, to love the Giver more than the gift.
Deuteronomy 8: 17 and 18
It comforts me to look around my home and see gifts others have given me. There is a green glass vase from my sister on the table. I smell the pumpkin spice candle from my daughter. The silver teapot from my mom gleams from the china cabinet. The items themselves, though lovely, are just things. What they represent is the love of the givers. When I give gifts, I hope the recipient knows how much I care for them, regardless of the cost of the gift.
Last night, God bestowed me with a gorgeous, changeable sky. Over to the north were cumulus clouds boasting shades of grey, orange and purple. To the south, the sun's striations of color cut through banks of rain. Rumbles of thunder caused me to look west at more beauty. I could just imagine God's expectant face as I unwrapped this gift: "Well, do you like it, Rachel?"
Every day, God's generosity is evident to all, no matter what language they speak or what belief they have. He sends rain to the just and the unjust. Remember, when you unwrap the latest treasure, to love the Giver more than the gift.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Read the Last Chapter First
"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
Revelation 21:4
I am not well known for my patience. I wear new clothes right away. I give presents away without holding on to them until Christmas. I don't buy subscriptions ahead of time because I don't know how long I'll be around. I don't like to set goals and patiently plod along until I achieve them. I live for today because it is all I have.
When I am getting acquainted with a new book, I read the jacket, check for photographs, peruse the author's bio, then I often read the last chapter first. I don't like to wait and see how things are going to be. Will this character die? Will the two romantic figures get married? I want to know more about it before I invest a lot of time into what could be a boring read.
As a Christian, I can eagerly read the Bible because I've read the last chapter! The most blessed hope is waiting like a crown of righteousness at the end of this crazy life. Like Mary and Martha, I cry in sorrow at the death of a loved one, but that's back in chapter four (or whatever)! Keep on reading. Lazarus, the gals' brother who's been dead in the tomb four days, is ordered to come on out of there by Jesus - and he does! We who place our trust in this same Jesus can live as optimists because we know how the story ends. I will hear his voice commanding, "Rachel, come out!" and I will cast off my casket and step into the light.
"Oh, death where is thy sting? Oh, grave where is thy victory?" The destruction, decay and disaster that disease and death bring are all part of that "old order of things" that will pass away. Read it again: "NO MORE DEATH"!
Now that's something I can wait for.
Revelation 21:4
I am not well known for my patience. I wear new clothes right away. I give presents away without holding on to them until Christmas. I don't buy subscriptions ahead of time because I don't know how long I'll be around. I don't like to set goals and patiently plod along until I achieve them. I live for today because it is all I have.
When I am getting acquainted with a new book, I read the jacket, check for photographs, peruse the author's bio, then I often read the last chapter first. I don't like to wait and see how things are going to be. Will this character die? Will the two romantic figures get married? I want to know more about it before I invest a lot of time into what could be a boring read.
As a Christian, I can eagerly read the Bible because I've read the last chapter! The most blessed hope is waiting like a crown of righteousness at the end of this crazy life. Like Mary and Martha, I cry in sorrow at the death of a loved one, but that's back in chapter four (or whatever)! Keep on reading. Lazarus, the gals' brother who's been dead in the tomb four days, is ordered to come on out of there by Jesus - and he does! We who place our trust in this same Jesus can live as optimists because we know how the story ends. I will hear his voice commanding, "Rachel, come out!" and I will cast off my casket and step into the light.
"Oh, death where is thy sting? Oh, grave where is thy victory?" The destruction, decay and disaster that disease and death bring are all part of that "old order of things" that will pass away. Read it again: "NO MORE DEATH"!
Now that's something I can wait for.
The Caretaker of God's Property
"But Christ is faithful as a son over God's house. And we are his house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast."
Hebrews 3:6
Sometimes, my husband and I go on a trip. We ask our daughter to look after the pets and property while we are gone and we never have to worry about anything because we know she will care for it as if it were her own. She grew up in that house and, therefore, has a special affinity for it.
My faith in God makes me a part of his house; Christ, his Son, is my caretaker until I leave this world. He's not going to let anyone break in. If the refrigerator breaks down, he will fix it before the food spoils. He'll even water the houseplants. Why would I ever choose not to trust in Him? In the same way I trust my daughter, I place my confidence in the Caretaker of God's property.
Hebrews 3:6
Sometimes, my husband and I go on a trip. We ask our daughter to look after the pets and property while we are gone and we never have to worry about anything because we know she will care for it as if it were her own. She grew up in that house and, therefore, has a special affinity for it.
My faith in God makes me a part of his house; Christ, his Son, is my caretaker until I leave this world. He's not going to let anyone break in. If the refrigerator breaks down, he will fix it before the food spoils. He'll even water the houseplants. Why would I ever choose not to trust in Him? In the same way I trust my daughter, I place my confidence in the Caretaker of God's property.
What's Inside Comes Out
"The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."
Luke 6:45
Self examination is never easy and rarely fun. When I look back on some of the things that have come from the "overflow of my heart", I am embarrassed. When I am stressed or fatigued, I am more apt to bite someone's head off. What rotten fruit I am producing! The hearer doesn't care how tired I am, and I can never erase what has been said.
Lord, I can't do life alone. I want to build my house on the Rock by doing the right thing, by living the Word. Examine my heart and make it clean so that only good things are stored up, ready to spill out.
Luke 6:45
Self examination is never easy and rarely fun. When I look back on some of the things that have come from the "overflow of my heart", I am embarrassed. When I am stressed or fatigued, I am more apt to bite someone's head off. What rotten fruit I am producing! The hearer doesn't care how tired I am, and I can never erase what has been said.
Lord, I can't do life alone. I want to build my house on the Rock by doing the right thing, by living the Word. Examine my heart and make it clean so that only good things are stored up, ready to spill out.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Do Not Be Deceived
"For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths."
2 Timothy 4:3 & 4
In a box in the corner of the attic, I found a belt and buckle which my father had brought home after World War II. On it is emblazened an eagle, a swastika and, in German, the phrase, "God with us." This shocked me, seeing those words beneath that hated symbol of evil. How could God be with the Nazis who exterminated millions of Jewish people?
Hitler presented himself as a new messiah with a new cross: the swastika. He stated openly that "it was his intention to begin a new religion that would accomplish what Christianity failed to bring about."* The citizens of Germany had been through rough times after World War I. They wanted to believe Hitler was the answer, but their itching ears forgot what the true questions were. They believed the myth of racial purity and forsook God's greatest commandment: Love one another as I have loved you. And so, with a copy of Mein Kampf on the altar and a swastika perched above, the churches of that day endorsed a man who brainwashed and deceived them.
The Bible clearly warns of such anti-Christs and there are bound to be more of them. How can we keep from also being deceived? Keep your eyes fixed upon Jesus. Do not swerve to the right or left. Study your scriptures, writing them on the tablet of your heart. Those who remain standing will receive a crown of righteousness in the end.
*Quotation taken from Hitler's Cross by Erwin Lutzer
2 Timothy 4:3 & 4
In a box in the corner of the attic, I found a belt and buckle which my father had brought home after World War II. On it is emblazened an eagle, a swastika and, in German, the phrase, "God with us." This shocked me, seeing those words beneath that hated symbol of evil. How could God be with the Nazis who exterminated millions of Jewish people?
Hitler presented himself as a new messiah with a new cross: the swastika. He stated openly that "it was his intention to begin a new religion that would accomplish what Christianity failed to bring about."* The citizens of Germany had been through rough times after World War I. They wanted to believe Hitler was the answer, but their itching ears forgot what the true questions were. They believed the myth of racial purity and forsook God's greatest commandment: Love one another as I have loved you. And so, with a copy of Mein Kampf on the altar and a swastika perched above, the churches of that day endorsed a man who brainwashed and deceived them.
The Bible clearly warns of such anti-Christs and there are bound to be more of them. How can we keep from also being deceived? Keep your eyes fixed upon Jesus. Do not swerve to the right or left. Study your scriptures, writing them on the tablet of your heart. Those who remain standing will receive a crown of righteousness in the end.
*Quotation taken from Hitler's Cross by Erwin Lutzer
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Safe Delivery
"And I was delivered from the lion's mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory forever and ever, amen."
2 Timothy 4:18
I had a stressful week at work. By day's end, my mind and body felt battered, as if I'd been under attack all day long. But when I calmed down, I looked back at the week and saw the flowers of redemption that bloomed along the bleak path. There was a reassuring smile from a friend. Someone gave me homemade cookies. Another friend prayed with me at lunchtime. Like a UPS package in the right hands, these kind souls are God's delivery men in brown along the way. He uses them to help me arrive safely in his kingdom.
To show my appreciation, I must pay it forward, helping to deliver others along the way. When I see someone else struggling, I must offer my hand, send words of encouragement, smile. We're all in this together.
2 Timothy 4:18
I had a stressful week at work. By day's end, my mind and body felt battered, as if I'd been under attack all day long. But when I calmed down, I looked back at the week and saw the flowers of redemption that bloomed along the bleak path. There was a reassuring smile from a friend. Someone gave me homemade cookies. Another friend prayed with me at lunchtime. Like a UPS package in the right hands, these kind souls are God's delivery men in brown along the way. He uses them to help me arrive safely in his kingdom.
To show my appreciation, I must pay it forward, helping to deliver others along the way. When I see someone else struggling, I must offer my hand, send words of encouragement, smile. We're all in this together.
You Died
"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry."
Colossians 3: 2 & 3
There was an article in the paper about a man who was declared legally dead and then resurfaced. He was having a hard time reversing this declaration. A judge told him, "You're still deceased as far as the law is concerned." My husband joked, "He could use that to his advantage. If he were stopped for speeding, he'd just say he was a dead man."
As a Christian, we have to die to self so we can live in Christ. It's not always easy to be in the world but not of the world. We are, by nature, sinful but, with the help of God, we must slay that propensity to sin. Other folks may not understand that. They want us to go along with them down that wide road, but we are dead to that. Our true citizenship is in heaven and, until we get there, we ache with longing.
Colossians 3: 2 & 3
There was an article in the paper about a man who was declared legally dead and then resurfaced. He was having a hard time reversing this declaration. A judge told him, "You're still deceased as far as the law is concerned." My husband joked, "He could use that to his advantage. If he were stopped for speeding, he'd just say he was a dead man."
As a Christian, we have to die to self so we can live in Christ. It's not always easy to be in the world but not of the world. We are, by nature, sinful but, with the help of God, we must slay that propensity to sin. Other folks may not understand that. They want us to go along with them down that wide road, but we are dead to that. Our true citizenship is in heaven and, until we get there, we ache with longing.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
You Can't Fight God
"Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed One...The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath saying, 'I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill.'"
Psalm 2: 1,2, 4-6
The American Civil Liberties Union likes to go around looking for items of offense (in their opinion), like a portrait of Jesus that hung in one of the buildings of the Jackson, Ohio school district. It had graced their Hall of Honor since 1947, along with other visages of historical importance. The ACLU saw it differently. Their lawsuit against the school district claims, "students and visitors to the school will continue to suffer permanent, severe and irreparable harm and injury" from seeing this portrait.
Gee, Jesus is powerful, isn't he? One look at his portrait can cause severe harm and injury? Really? When I see his portrait, I see the only begotten Son of God who gave his life for mine. Jesus has been given "all authority in heaven and on earth." (Matthew 28:18) Vengeance is his and he will have it. It may seem like the Lord is being slow or silent, but he does not want anyone to perish but to come to salvation in Christ Jesus.
Hebrews 10:31 says, "It's a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." I would not want to be a member of the ACLU when Jesus comes again.
Psalm 2: 1,2, 4-6
The American Civil Liberties Union likes to go around looking for items of offense (in their opinion), like a portrait of Jesus that hung in one of the buildings of the Jackson, Ohio school district. It had graced their Hall of Honor since 1947, along with other visages of historical importance. The ACLU saw it differently. Their lawsuit against the school district claims, "students and visitors to the school will continue to suffer permanent, severe and irreparable harm and injury" from seeing this portrait.
Gee, Jesus is powerful, isn't he? One look at his portrait can cause severe harm and injury? Really? When I see his portrait, I see the only begotten Son of God who gave his life for mine. Jesus has been given "all authority in heaven and on earth." (Matthew 28:18) Vengeance is his and he will have it. It may seem like the Lord is being slow or silent, but he does not want anyone to perish but to come to salvation in Christ Jesus.
Hebrews 10:31 says, "It's a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." I would not want to be a member of the ACLU when Jesus comes again.
Where Were You?
"Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?"
Job 38: 4-7
Humans have built some magnificent structures, like the Dubai Tower, but it takes many people combining their intelect and ability. One person could not construct the tower alone. Plus, he'd have to use materials and foundations that God already provided. Who could create something as amazing as this earth from nothing, by himself?
I can picture the stars singing together while the angels cheered as God formed each animal. Unique feathers, colorful wings, instinctive capabilites, compound eyes, just the right type of claw or hoof for the environment. So much thought went into each creation. Nocturnal animals will need larger eyes. Cats will need strong legs for jumping, claws for fighting. What type of teeth shall each mammal possess?
Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I've only to put things into proper perspective by seeing God as he truly is - so much larger, wiser and creative than I. I have no idea how a plain caterpillar morphs into a butterfly inside its cocoon but God does. I can go to him with all my needs.
Job 38: 4-7
Humans have built some magnificent structures, like the Dubai Tower, but it takes many people combining their intelect and ability. One person could not construct the tower alone. Plus, he'd have to use materials and foundations that God already provided. Who could create something as amazing as this earth from nothing, by himself?
I can picture the stars singing together while the angels cheered as God formed each animal. Unique feathers, colorful wings, instinctive capabilites, compound eyes, just the right type of claw or hoof for the environment. So much thought went into each creation. Nocturnal animals will need larger eyes. Cats will need strong legs for jumping, claws for fighting. What type of teeth shall each mammal possess?
Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I've only to put things into proper perspective by seeing God as he truly is - so much larger, wiser and creative than I. I have no idea how a plain caterpillar morphs into a butterfly inside its cocoon but God does. I can go to him with all my needs.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
There's Real Power in Prayer
"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."
Hebrews 4: 15 and 16
I've noticed a shift in wording lately. For instance, a coworker of mine is very ill in the hospital so a message went out to the staff to please "keep this person in your thoughts." It used to be said, "in your thoughts and prayers." With all due respect, what good is that? Is there any true power that comes from just thinking about someone? Yes, it does help for well-meaning folks to send cards or flowers, to pay a visit. We all thrive on the love of others! But just think of the difference prayer makes. When we lift up the ailing person before Jesus, we are approaching the throne of the One who created all of us.
When Jesus walked this earth, he healed many people. A paralyzed man had four friends who desired his healing so they carried him onto the roof over Jesus' head when the house was too crowded to get near. They made an opening and lowered him down in front of the Great Healer. They went beyond just thinking about their friend; they had faith in Christ and brought him forth and he was healed.
If you have a friend in need, after sending your get well card, approach the throne of grace with confidence. There you will find help in your time of need.
Hebrews 4: 15 and 16
I've noticed a shift in wording lately. For instance, a coworker of mine is very ill in the hospital so a message went out to the staff to please "keep this person in your thoughts." It used to be said, "in your thoughts and prayers." With all due respect, what good is that? Is there any true power that comes from just thinking about someone? Yes, it does help for well-meaning folks to send cards or flowers, to pay a visit. We all thrive on the love of others! But just think of the difference prayer makes. When we lift up the ailing person before Jesus, we are approaching the throne of the One who created all of us.
When Jesus walked this earth, he healed many people. A paralyzed man had four friends who desired his healing so they carried him onto the roof over Jesus' head when the house was too crowded to get near. They made an opening and lowered him down in front of the Great Healer. They went beyond just thinking about their friend; they had faith in Christ and brought him forth and he was healed.
If you have a friend in need, after sending your get well card, approach the throne of grace with confidence. There you will find help in your time of need.
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