"Moses was troubled. He asked the Lord, 'Why have your brought this trouble on your servant? What have I done to displease you that you put the burden of all these people on me? Did I conceive these people? Did I give them birth? ... I cannot carry all these people by myself...If this is how you're going to treat me, put me to death right now.'"
Numbers 11:11-15
It's interesting that this sort of bald grumbling by Moses does not anger God, rather the Lord saw the depressed state of Moses and he listened to him. Then, God came up with a solution. He spread the burden among seventy elders, bringing relief to poor Moses.
Sometimes, we all feel burdened by other people or our circumstances. Maybe a mother of young children or a person who works in a busy office feels the pressure of caring for others. Even pastors need a break now and then. God understands this. If we, in all honesty, cry out for some help, God will never let us down. He will come up with a solution!
If a worldwide catastrophe wiped out the entire population save one, would the Bible be any less relevant? I decided to discover for myself how God's word applies directly, personally to me.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
How to Sleep Like a Baby
"My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; they will be life for you...When you lie down, you will not be afraid, your sleep will be sweet."
Proverbs 3: 21, 24
When a furious squall arose on the lake and swamped the disciples' boat, "Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion." (Mark 4:38) They shook him awake saying, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" They may have been wondering how anyone could sleep through such a bad storm.
When my youngest daughter was almost a year old, we took her to her first fireworks on the Fourth of July. She slept through the whole thing! Amazed, I wondered why she could not hear the noise but slumbered sweetly, unconcerned.
What is the key to getting a good night's rest?
After Jesus stilled the storm, he said, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" (Mark 4:40) Jesus says we have the same faith and peace available to us that he has. When storms of life prevail, I can be asleep in the stern on a cushion if only I have faith.
"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1) Just like the baby at the fireworks, I can be sure that my Heavenly Father cradles me in his arms, stroking my hair and whispering, "Fear not. You are worth more than many sparrows."
Sleep sweetly, precious child of God.
Proverbs 3: 21, 24
When a furious squall arose on the lake and swamped the disciples' boat, "Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion." (Mark 4:38) They shook him awake saying, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" They may have been wondering how anyone could sleep through such a bad storm.
When my youngest daughter was almost a year old, we took her to her first fireworks on the Fourth of July. She slept through the whole thing! Amazed, I wondered why she could not hear the noise but slumbered sweetly, unconcerned.
What is the key to getting a good night's rest?
After Jesus stilled the storm, he said, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" (Mark 4:40) Jesus says we have the same faith and peace available to us that he has. When storms of life prevail, I can be asleep in the stern on a cushion if only I have faith.
"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1) Just like the baby at the fireworks, I can be sure that my Heavenly Father cradles me in his arms, stroking my hair and whispering, "Fear not. You are worth more than many sparrows."
Sleep sweetly, precious child of God.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
My Sanctuary
"For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said, 'I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people'"
2 Corinthians 6:16
I am a temple, a holy dwelling place for The God. Everytime I walk among the people, God goes with me. When I go to lunch with a friend, watch a movie or go to work, He goes too. He's a silent listener to every conversation, a constant Presence as close as my own breath. When I pass another Christian, there goes God!
Why do people want to have God living in them? What is it about Him that we never want to turn away?
It all points to the love Christ poured out for us on the cross. By becoming sin for me, by loving me and dying for me while I was still a sinner, by His stripes healing me ... this is my foundation of love for God. Once I said I believe in Jesus, his Spirit took up residence within me, creating a sanctuary from the evils of this world, freeing me from the power of the devil.
Below is a poem written by my grandmother, Harmony Schupp, that is one of my favorites:
2 Corinthians 6:16
I am a temple, a holy dwelling place for The God. Everytime I walk among the people, God goes with me. When I go to lunch with a friend, watch a movie or go to work, He goes too. He's a silent listener to every conversation, a constant Presence as close as my own breath. When I pass another Christian, there goes God!
Why do people want to have God living in them? What is it about Him that we never want to turn away?
It all points to the love Christ poured out for us on the cross. By becoming sin for me, by loving me and dying for me while I was still a sinner, by His stripes healing me ... this is my foundation of love for God. Once I said I believe in Jesus, his Spirit took up residence within me, creating a sanctuary from the evils of this world, freeing me from the power of the devil.
Below is a poem written by my grandmother, Harmony Schupp, that is one of my favorites:
I have a sanctuary small,
You have one too no doubt,
Where I can be serene and still
While storms may howl without.
For no one here disturbs my dreams
No criticism falls.
No barbed shafts, however sharp,
Can penetrate its walls.
And from this bulwark of my calm
I view life unafraid.
Can laugh at fancied slights and slurs
That others may have made.
Failure, fear, distrust and dread
Are words not understood.
My guardian angel, sword in hand,
Has banished them for good.
For here are joy and happiness
As I would have them be.
Here, in this peaceful place, I can
Escape reality.
The kindred souls who speak to me
Are duty bound to please
For no one enters here at all
Without love's golden keys.
I have a sanctuary small
No doubt, you have one too.
For nowhere else in all this world
Can you be really you.
Monday, June 17, 2013
You Are Worth More
"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So, don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
Matthew 10: 28-31
Horror movies play on a person's fear of dying. Seems like that's the worst thing that can happen to a person, yet Jesus says this is not a reason to fear!
I love to watch birds and the sparrows seem to be the most prolific, yet I love them the most because of this Bible verse. Sure, they are plentiful; what would it matter if one died? Also, it's said a person can lose one hundred hairs per day in their daily grooming. Who keeps track of such minutiae? God does! If these seemingly unimportant details are God's business, how much more are our souls?
The only thing we have to fear is God, not fear itself. As a Christian, even if I die, my soul goes on to live in a mansion that has been prepared for me.
So, don't be afraid. "You are worth more than many sparrows!"
Matthew 10: 28-31
Horror movies play on a person's fear of dying. Seems like that's the worst thing that can happen to a person, yet Jesus says this is not a reason to fear!
I love to watch birds and the sparrows seem to be the most prolific, yet I love them the most because of this Bible verse. Sure, they are plentiful; what would it matter if one died? Also, it's said a person can lose one hundred hairs per day in their daily grooming. Who keeps track of such minutiae? God does! If these seemingly unimportant details are God's business, how much more are our souls?
The only thing we have to fear is God, not fear itself. As a Christian, even if I die, my soul goes on to live in a mansion that has been prepared for me.
So, don't be afraid. "You are worth more than many sparrows!"
Father's Day
"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."
Ephesians 6:4
God is our Father, the Head of the House. If an earthly father needs some advice on how to raise his children, all he has to do is open his Bible, prayerfully considering what his Father has to say. God does not pick, pick, pick at us until we feel unworthy. He does not yell at or belittle his children. Rather, he says we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. God is slow to anger, abounding in love and his mercies are fresh every morning.
What an excellent role model!
Ephesians 6:4
God is our Father, the Head of the House. If an earthly father needs some advice on how to raise his children, all he has to do is open his Bible, prayerfully considering what his Father has to say. God does not pick, pick, pick at us until we feel unworthy. He does not yell at or belittle his children. Rather, he says we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. God is slow to anger, abounding in love and his mercies are fresh every morning.
What an excellent role model!
Abide With Me
"Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son."
2 John 9
When I was in the third grade, our family went on a vacation out west. We were hiking in the mountains around Jenny Lake when the family paused on the trail. Confident that I knew the way, I ran ahead and became horribly lost. For hours, I wandered alone, fearful of the lions, tigers and bears I knew were lurking in the dark woods. The sweet reunion with my parents remains fresh on my mind.
In my Christian walk, I must keep pace with my Savior, abiding with him. I should not go off to the left or right, nor lag behind, but I should also be wary of becoming a know-it-all, thinking I know the way. If I take my focus off Him, that's when I become horribly lost.
I recall the words of this hymn, one of my favorites:
"Abide with me, fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens, Lord, with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me!"
2 John 9
When I was in the third grade, our family went on a vacation out west. We were hiking in the mountains around Jenny Lake when the family paused on the trail. Confident that I knew the way, I ran ahead and became horribly lost. For hours, I wandered alone, fearful of the lions, tigers and bears I knew were lurking in the dark woods. The sweet reunion with my parents remains fresh on my mind.
In my Christian walk, I must keep pace with my Savior, abiding with him. I should not go off to the left or right, nor lag behind, but I should also be wary of becoming a know-it-all, thinking I know the way. If I take my focus off Him, that's when I become horribly lost.
I recall the words of this hymn, one of my favorites:
"Abide with me, fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens, Lord, with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me!"
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Precious Blood
"He will take pity on the needy and save the needy from death. He will rescue them from oppression and violence for precious is their blood in his sight."
Psalm 72: 13 & 14
I've sang many a hymn about the precious blood of the Lamb, but I never knew my blood was precious to him as well! Often, I feel like I'm bleeding and needy, worn out, fatigued, tired of fighting the brokeness of this world. Jesus can empathize with that because he's been there, done that in the most powerful way - on the cross.
Jesus, you're my hero!
"My faith looks up to thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary, Savior divine.
Now hear me while I pray;
Take all my guilt away;
Oh, let me from this day be wholly thine."
Psalm 72: 13 & 14
I've sang many a hymn about the precious blood of the Lamb, but I never knew my blood was precious to him as well! Often, I feel like I'm bleeding and needy, worn out, fatigued, tired of fighting the brokeness of this world. Jesus can empathize with that because he's been there, done that in the most powerful way - on the cross.
Jesus, you're my hero!
"My faith looks up to thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary, Savior divine.
Now hear me while I pray;
Take all my guilt away;
Oh, let me from this day be wholly thine."
Strong Armor
"But since we belong to the day, let us be self controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet."
1 Thessalonians 5:8
Faith, hope and love can protect us from our enemies. Ever try to sway someone of strong faith into believing something else? You can't. It's like bending steel with your bare hands. Love can be just as fierce and impenetrable. Any parent who has sat up all night worrying about an errant child or tending to a colicky baby can tell testify to this. Having the "hope of salvation" means that we're living confidently, believing in the divine promises: Jesus has gone on to prepare a place for us and He will come again to take us home. We who believe upon him will live eternally. All of this armor is enough to protect us from Satan. Why? Because Jesus gave them to us.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13
1 Thessalonians 5:8
Faith, hope and love can protect us from our enemies. Ever try to sway someone of strong faith into believing something else? You can't. It's like bending steel with your bare hands. Love can be just as fierce and impenetrable. Any parent who has sat up all night worrying about an errant child or tending to a colicky baby can tell testify to this. Having the "hope of salvation" means that we're living confidently, believing in the divine promises: Jesus has gone on to prepare a place for us and He will come again to take us home. We who believe upon him will live eternally. All of this armor is enough to protect us from Satan. Why? Because Jesus gave them to us.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13
Call Me a Bird Brain
"I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them."
Hosea 11:4
God's relationship with mankind is woven with love. Throughout the Bible, one thing is clear: God loves me so!
I saw a baby bird following its parent around in the yard. It was peeping and chirping, adamantly following the one who was caring for it. It knew, despite its small bird brain, not to let the parent out of its sight. This wisdom came from an ordinary bird, largely unnoticed by passersby.
God leads me with kindness, he lifts my yoke of burden as he bends down to feed me. All this, wrapped in ties of love!
You can bet, like that bird, I'm going to follow him, never letting him out of my sight.
Hosea 11:4
God's relationship with mankind is woven with love. Throughout the Bible, one thing is clear: God loves me so!
I saw a baby bird following its parent around in the yard. It was peeping and chirping, adamantly following the one who was caring for it. It knew, despite its small bird brain, not to let the parent out of its sight. This wisdom came from an ordinary bird, largely unnoticed by passersby.
God leads me with kindness, he lifts my yoke of burden as he bends down to feed me. All this, wrapped in ties of love!
You can bet, like that bird, I'm going to follow him, never letting him out of my sight.
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